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Your product selection from Stewart Farm

Whole cow

$7.50 per pound

Whole cow The total price will be $7.50 per pound hanging weight which includes all butcher / slaughter and processing costs. Our cows can yield around 500 to 700 pounds of meat on the butcher's scale right after slaughter (weight will vary because these are live animals that eat daily). We multiply the pounds by $7.50 for a total.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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About Stewart Farm

We sell quarter, half and whole cow bundles as well as pork.


Stewart Farm
2808 Wade Stedman Rd
Stedman, NC 28391

More products from Stewart Farm

Half cow

$8.00 per pound

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The total price will be $8.00 per pound hanging weight which includes all butcher / slaughter and processing costs. Our cows can yield around 440 to 700 pounds of meat on the butcher's scale right after slaughter (these are live animals that eat daily so weight will vary). So for a half cow the weight is divided by 2 and multiply the pounds by $8.00 for a total.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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Whole cow

$7.50 per pound

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Whole cow The total price will be $7.50 per pound hanging weight which includes all butcher / slaughter and processing costs. Our cows can yield around 500 to 700 pounds of meat on the butcher's scale right after slaughter (weight will vary because these are live animals that eat daily). We multiply the pounds by $7.50 for a total.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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Quarter cow

$8.25 per pound

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The total price will be $8.50 per pound hanging weight which includes all butcher / slaughter and processing costs. Our cows can yield around 440 to 700 pounds of meat on the butcher's scale right after slaughter (these are live animals that eat daily so weight will vary.) So for a quarter cow the weight is divided by 4 and multiply the pounds by $8.50 for a total.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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whole hog

$6.00 per pound

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Whole hogs fully processed into individual packaged cuts in our normal vacuum sealed packs. Your deposit is not half down, balance due is based on hanging weight which runs 140 to 190 pounds multiplied by price per pound then subtract the deposit. Sorry No custom cuts on hogs. You will be getting 25 lbs of sausage plus other great cuts like unprocessed bacon sliced pork belly, pork-chops, ham roasts, and more.

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